Josie Banens

I'm digging deep for the land I love

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m taking on the Groundwork Challenge!

1 in 5 Australian mammals are on the endangered species list.

That’s why from 16 November until 16 December, I’m digging deep for the land I love.

I’ve committed to running/walking/rolling every day to protect our native species and their precious habitats.

Please support me and help protect the land we all call home by making a tax deductible donation to Bush Heritage Australia.

Together, we can help restore the bush and protect our native species.

My Achievements

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Self Donate

First Donation

Reached $250

Reached $500

Reached $1,000

Reached your target

Logged first activity

Increased Goal Over $1000

Day Pass

My Updates

Curlews at work

Tuesday 24th Nov
Resident curlews are back to lay eggs in the carpark/under the work demountables

Day 3

Wednesday 18th Nov
Running heavy. SO need to lose some Carona kilos! Quick run down to Waterlily park and around and back up.

Day 2

Tuesday 17th Nov
Yoga at work followed by a short walk with 4 doggies after work. My goal to get up at 6am for a run failed since the dog and crazy winds kept me up all night and I was too tired. Tomorrow I run! Is anyone actually reading this?

Day 1

Monday 16th Nov
Took 4 dogs - count that - FOUR large dogs for a walk on the beach in crazy wind and heat!
Smashed it in a HIIT class in the morning. Need to get up earlier to get this challenge happening before work and heat !

Thank you to my Sponsors


Gaby Banens

Great work!


Josie Banens

Aboriginal partnerships are critical to restoring our country.


Carmers X

Go girl! Awesome effort Josie x


Marie Carroll

Good luck Josie.


Stephanie Duncan

I dare you to roll the whole way


Monica Morabito



Go you good thing!



Great job Josie!

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