Clare Pitt

I'm digging deep for the land I love

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m taking on the Groundwork Challenge!

1 in 5 Australian mammals are on the endangered species list.

That’s why from 16 November until 16 December, I’m digging deep for the land I love.

I’ve committed to running/walking/rolling every day to protect our native species and their precious habitats.

Please support me and help protect the land we all call home by making a tax deductible donation to Bush Heritage Australia.

Together, we can help restore the bush and protect our native species.

My Achievements

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Self Donate

First Donation

Reached $250

Reached $500

Reached $1,000

Reached your target

Logged first activity

Increased Goal Over $1000

Day Pass

My Updates

Day 8

Monday 23rd Nov
Wow! So much encouragement from the people sponsoring me. 
I've jogged 23kms and hiked 8kms so far... 100 is a lot! But I am keen to work hard and get those kms done for a good cause. 

Day 4

Thursday 19th Nov
A warm morning this one, a bit tireder and slower, but really enjoying the repetition of doing the same loop each day. When I got to the top of the hill today, I took a quick breather, took in the sunrise and three yellow tailed black cockatoos screeched their way past me... 

Day 3

Wednesday 18th Nov
Early start for me (6am!) Had some anxious energy, so good to put it to go use. I was jogging alongside a hot air balloon for a while, I waved at it, hoping the passengers would see! IT was gliding along, which helped my feet glide down the hill... 

Day 2 reflections

Tuesday 17th Nov
I'm not much of a morning person, but this time of year in Tassie it sure is a beautiful time to get out and enjoy the light and air. Same 3km- ish loop as yesterday, a little harder today as I was a bit sore! :) 

Day 1 reflections

Monday 16th Nov
A warm and wet morning in Launceston. As I was jogging up the hill through the gorse I was thinking about the uphill battle that we have in finding ways to support endangered species to not become extinct. It's a hard slog in the current times. 

Thank you to my Sponsors



Wooop get it done Clare! :)


Bruce Easton

Great idea Clare


Amalia Patourakis

Thanks for your efforts clare!


Si Horsley

Run, Forest(er kangaroo), Run!


Judith Burke

Keep up the great run, you can do it clever lady.


Kylie Easton

Awesome work Clare


Colin Easton

Go Clare!


Brett & Mia Easton

Great Initiative and perseverance Clare


Clare Pitt



Go Clare! Do it for the little critters! Xx

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