Julie Dickson

I'm digging deep for the land I love

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m taking on the Groundwork Challenge!

1 in 5 Australian mammals are on the endangered species list.

That’s why from 16 November until 16 December, I’m digging deep for the land I love.

I’ve committed to running/walking/rolling every day to protect our native species and their precious habitats.

Please support me and help protect the land we all call home by making a tax deductible donation to Bush Heritage Australia.

Together, we can help restore the bush and protect our native species.

My Achievements

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Self Donate

First Donation

Reached $250

Reached $500

Reached $1,000

Reached your target

Logged first activity

Increased Goal Over $1000

Day Pass

My Updates

Very Close Now

Sunday 13th Dec
Well, it won't be a sprint to the finish, or a jog or even a brisk walk but I will reach my walking goal of 100 kms tomorrow at my current steady pace. I have set another personal best, however, at 57 minutes with only one rest at the bridge. My $ goal is unfortunately just out of reach but I'm very proud of my supporters and thank them sincerely as well as the anonymous one who may have inadvertently left their name off their donation. Tomorrow, the last 3 kms may be the biggest challenge with very heavy rain predicted. I'd like to think I've established a routine of walking every day (aside from the dog walks) but we'll see. I'd rather swim the distance, but the pool chlorine bombs my thyroid so I always need an afternoon sleep afterwards. Merry Christmas everyone and thanks again, also let's all see this rubbish year off and give 2021 a big welcome hug.

Record Time

Tuesday 8th Dec
Today, I'm very pleased with myself. I walked 4.7 kms in the time of 59 minutes which is a record for me! The first half was completed in 29 minutes. I sat at the bridge for 3 mins and walked home without stopping again in 27 minutes. Brava! I hear you all cry.

A Few mm of Rain

Monday 7th Dec
I only walked 3 kms today because we had a very nice bit of rain just before my walk so I knew that I wouldn't be able to sit and rest at the bridge without getting a wet bum. Yesterday, I didn't walk. It had been a very hot day and it was still over 36 at 6pm. I was concerned about heat stress adding to my other walking stresses so I gave it a miss. There are 9 more days to the Challenge, so I believe I still have time to  reach the 100 kms target. I also only need a few more dollars to reach my $1000 target so if you've been considering a donation, I'd love your support.

Gel Insoles

Thursday 3rd Dec
Today I bought some gel insoles for my cheap walking shoes expecting big things! I thought maybe 'walking on clouds' or 'floating on air', that kind of thing. Bit disappointed because it just felt like my feet were really crammed in the shoes but overall at the end I would say my knees appreciated the change. Perhaps in the coming days, the advantages will become clearer.

A Weekend Away

Monday 30th Nov
I've just had a weekend in the seaside town of Woolgoolga. Being completely committed to the Groundwork Challenge, I was still going to walk each day so needed to measure a 'walking track'.
I measured a kilometer distance and figured on walking around it x amount of times. Because it was going to be a hot to very hot weekend, I planned to go in the early morning. On Saturday morning, I started out to do 5 laps ie 5 kms but it was so hard. I couldn't get any rhythm happening, it was hard to relax because there was lots of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and roads to cross and goodness knows what else to put me off my stride. It took ages to do the 5 laps with lots of rests and on Sunday I could only really manage 4 laps. It would have been lovely to walk the beach instead but I had no way of measuring the distance. Anyway back home now and walking out today in the cool of the evening as I'm not really a morning person.

Hang Loose, Mother Goose

Wednesday 25th Nov
Last night it was a humble 3kms but tonight went quite well and I made it to the bridge and home with the discomfort only really making its self felt in the last half km or maybe a little more. And the difference was...relaxation. It eventually dawned on me that I was anticipating the pain, tensed myself for the whole walk and so experienced the pain....self perpetuating. Tonight, I breathed and worked on relaxing my shoulders, hips, gluts, knees and ankles. With the out breath, I tried to hang loose and I think it worked well for me. I only needed one rest at the bridge and I actually walked past the second rest spot with even registering it because the need wasn't really there.

In the Zone

Monday 23rd Nov
Last night I walked just the 4 kms but tonight I kept going the extra so I could have a sit down at the bridge. I walked through the pain of my left foot and the burning in my right thigh......and made the distance! However, the zone disintegrated  somewhat on the return trip (lol) but I'm chuffed that I'm back on schedule. I have 6 kms to make up the shortfall from the first week but I'm confident that I can achieve that either this week or by the third one. Would appreciate any financial support that you might think is appropriate...maybe $1 per day for the 30 day challenge? The link follows: https://www.groundworkchallenge.org.au/fundraiser/juliedickson

Blaming the shoes

Sunday 22nd Nov
Another warm day and I'll have to walk a bit earlier this evening so that I'm in time to watch The Block auctions! Friday and Saturday I walked 3 kms each day. Not sure how to play it tonight. I walked more briskly yesterday because I met a couple walking and I tried to match them step for step (at a distance) so don't know if it might be better to take it slow tonight. So unhappy that the walking isn't as comfortable as I expected but maybe I can blame my cheap shoes lol.

Progress so far

Thursday 19th Nov
Sorry everyone, I didn't walk on Tuesday due to an unscheduled trip to hospital. On Wednesday, I only managed 2 kms because I was a bit shin-sore from starting at the top ie doing the whole 4.7 km distance right away. I'll use the rest of this week to build back up to the full distance, maybe doing 2 kms again today and tomorrow then 4 and so on. I hope to be up to speed again on Monday 23/11.

The Start

Tuesday 17th Nov
This is the second time I've started this blog because the first attempt mysteriously disappeared! Anyway, I walked 4.7 kms yesterday (first day of the challenge) and early on realised that I should have measured some milestones like 1km mark and a 2km one so that I could turn back early and still know how far I had got and still register the walk accurately. However, I hadn't done that so I did the whole distance although I had a wee rest at the bridge. It had been quite a warm day but when I set off at 6.25 pm it was cooling with a lovely breeze. It took me 63 minutes by the kitchen clock and I googled the distance to see if I could get an idea of how many steps that would be.....7833 is the number! I'll wear better shoes today but may not get all the way however as the days go on I'll get fitter and quicker and may even manage a bit of a jog towards the end.

Oh My Goodness

Saturday 14th Nov
I was concerned about the fundraising total that I chose. Actually I just left the default one. However, my wonderful friends and family have exceeded my expectations. Thank you so much!!

Generous friends

Thursday 12th Nov
How wonderful! We're over halfway to my fundraising goal already. This response is very heartening and will speed my legs to the bridge and back with even more purpose.

The plan

Wednesday 11th Nov
I hope to walk at least 100 kms over the 30 days. I'll be walking to our bridge and back, daily. The distance is 4.7 kms. I measured it by driving the car. I'm hoping my supporters will consider staking me for $1 a day?

Bush Heritage

Tuesday 10th Nov
I already support this group with a monthly donation but thought I could make a bigger effort and maybe get fit at the same time. I don't have fitbit or anything like it so I guess you may just have to trust me that I'm 'walking the walk'. I'm sure, if you know me, that when I say I'm doing it then I really am.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Leonie Finnigan

Hey Jules, As always, you inspire me . I should make the effort too, for our unique animals and our beautiful bush. Walk on!


Pill Dickson


Wayne Purcell

My friend Wayne Purcell has donated this money. He's just a little too shy to do it himself


Helen Tucker

Good on you for taking part in this fundraiser for such a worthy cause.


Maddie Finnigan

Go JuJu. Look at the money raised for such a good cause and the km's you've done already. Go you good thing. See you at Christmas.


Elizabeth Finnigan

Hey Aunty JuJu, I am really proud of your efforts to look after our precious creatures.


Judy Riddell

A great cause. We love koalas and sponsor one at Pt Macquarie. Well Done, Julie.


Kristine Lewis

Go girl!! Love, K


Virginia Congdon


Carole Macrae

Yes. Breathing would be helpful xx


Dollar Match Day

Matched Donation


Tina Cinzio

You’re nearly at your target Julie, well done!


Joy Kennedy

This kind donation is from my friend Joy.


Zumra Salkic

Grab that rain coat and go girl 😊


Julie Dickson

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